Sunday, October 28, 2007

Wow, what a long time

It has been such a long time since I have updated this thing. I don't even know if anybody is even reading it anymore. Anyway, Dan and I have been busy with traveling in the last month and this weekend we finally got to stay home. Dan's parents were here visiting, which was absolutely wonderful. So we got to relax and be lazy with them. We grilled out Friday and had delicious steak and potatoes. Yummmm. And then Dan and his dad went golfing Saturday, probably the last time until spring, while Debi and I went *shopping*. And by shopping, I mean we went to Alco. Ah, small towns. So much to do, so much to see. Anyway, we had such a good weekend and I will be the first to admit that I hated seeing them go. I miss our families so much being the farthest away than we've ever been. But we could be further, so I shouldn't complain. Another thing that consumed most of the weekend was playing with the seven week old kittens. Yes, we still have three of them. We got rid of one of them, but are desperately searching for good homes for the remaining three. They are very cute and I will be sad when they leave and yet very happy to have my house back to normal. So, I think that's about it for an update. I will be sure to keep on top of this thing and update it more regularly, just in case there is someone who wants to know what's going on in our lives. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, a new blog! I do check this thing still and get so sad when there are no new pics! I am glad you had fun with the parents...I know they were really looking forward to visiting! We need to chat...i WILL call you tomorrow! Talk to you then!