Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Quick update- with fun news included!

I know it's been a while since I posted. I promise there are good reasons for that. Here are just a few: First, the standard "we have been busy" applies. I won't even go into detail. Just trust me, we really have been busy. Second, I left my camera cord in Nebraska at my friend's house when we visited for the weekend. The third, and most important reason that I have been behind is.... wait for it... I'm pregnant! I hope those of you who are picture junkies stayed with me long enough to read that part of the update, since it is the most important! There is going to be another Barnes family member in late October or early November, depending on if he/she wants to be fashionably late. My official due date is October 26th. I am currently 3 months pregnant and feeling great, but there for a while, I just could not find any motivation, which is why the blog was the last of my worries. So once I get my camera cord, I promise a blog update with pictures! Bye bye for now!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Aww... congrats on your fabulous news! I'm jealous- I've always wanted an October baby. We'll see if your little one has that is their plans! :)