We have been really enjoying the last couple of weeks.
We've been growing and getting too big!
We've been filling jewel jars because we're being such a good girl. (That's our reward system for Mya)
We sent Daddy off to work to go teach some kids a few things. Didn't get a great picture the first time.
So we tried again...oh well. The hubby sure does look handsome though.
We've been using our little brains to be so creative with every day household items. So cute.
We met baby Jackson Juhl who is going to come to our house to play starting in October. So excited.
And we just went to Daddy's first middle school football game last night. They have a playground at the football field so the kids got to play after sitting so good during the game.
Mya's been growing too this week. Seriously, doesn't she look so big. Tear.
I was journaling some funny Mya things last night so I don't ever forget her funny sayings and I thought I might share a few with you.
While eating a popsicle, she looks at me and says, "I tooked a bite of my popsicle with my sensitive teeth!"
And when Reggie took a bite of his popsicle, I said, "I guess Reggie doesn't have sensitive teeth like you." And she responds, "That's for sure!" So funny.
Last, when we were driving home from the football game, I asked her if she missed our old house. She said, "No" right away, but then she pauses and says, "I don't need two houses, Mommy." So wise. Love that little girl more than she'll ever know.
Hope you are all enjoying the last weeks of hot weather and learning and growing as you go like we are. :)