Sunday, September 9, 2007

Coda's a mommy... again

Coda had her babies this weekend. It was a stressful ordeal for me, but she seemed to do well. She originally had five babies, but the first one had complications and didn't make it. But she has four adorably cute babies that are doing very well. There are two black-gray kittens, one all gray, and one black and white kitten that looks like her. One of her kittens was born breach, which was very scary for me, but it is doing so good. This picture on the right is one of the better pictures I could get close up, but you can't really see the gray kitty who is on the left hiding under Coda's leg. I could go on and on about Coda and her cute kittens, but I won't.

On another subject, Dan's dad came to visit this past week for business, and it was so great to spend some time with him. We went to the high school one night with Dan so he could play basketball with some of the students. It was fun to watch Dan play basketball since he hasn't played in forever. As you can tell from the photo, he was red faced and worn out when he was done. It was funny! Dan and I both wish we could live close to our families, but we have been blessed to see them quite a bit these first couple of months.

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