Monday, March 10, 2008

It's finally March

I have been needing to update this thing, but just haven't gotten around to it. And unfortunately, I have no pictures right now. I am waiting for my mom to send me pics from my dad's 50th birthday party because I forgot my camera.
Anyway, Dan and I have been busy lately. Dan is done with bball season, which is wonderful, but is starting to lift weights again now. He also played in a staff vs. seniors basketball game and it reminded me of his MCC days. He was the star player, most definitely! He had so many points! Spring break is also coming up, which is good. His scar is healing really well. Other than that, he's gearing up for March Madness. Me too, but in a totally different way, if you get my drift!
My work has been picking up with Big Brothers Big Sisters, which has been so much fun. I can't say the same for the flower shop, which is where I'm at right now. But that's ok, because it gives me a chance to get other things done. Also, my Bible study has been going well. I have been blessed by the study so far and by the women who are doing it with me.
Overall, things have been going well. I have been reminded lately of how lucky Dan and I are to have great families, great friends(although we don't get to see them that often), a wonderful place to live, and a Lord who loves us and calls us His own.
One last thing: I can't wait until it warms up again... I inherited a love for the summer from my mother! The sun makes me happy... but it hates Dan!


Anonymous said...

You are lucky to have a great family (because you know, I talk to your dad sometimes :-) and to have married into one! Do I get to actually meet Dan sometime? I'm a little curious about the man that won Courtney's heart. I did see him and say hi at Eric's wedding, but that was a while ago . . . AnneR

Anonymous said...

It's okay with me - I've been thinking about "coming out" for a while. Should have called you tonight - am SO hyper! Shall we have a dance party? You still like to dance, right?